Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Madlax and Cannons are sending teams, the website lists who is going

Maryland Extreme is sending a U13 team, it doesn't get worse than that

I thought you had to win a qualifying tournament (aloha tournament?) to go. I know there are tons of them, but which tourney did Xtreme win?

They always enter the 'B' brackets of tournaments so they likely beat a few rec teams to get the invite

such lax parent snobbery on the site. So they aren't AA elite. my kid's team played them in the fall nypll and I thought they we good and well coached. they won the B bracket in that. they wouldn't beat the 91 crush, express, looney's AA, crabs of the world but pretty good for geography they pull from

Sorry, but it is called the Tournament of Champions, not "Tournament of Nice B teams with good coaching"

If they tournament is going to lower their standards, they should call it something else