Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Why would anyone on a NPYLL site care about what is done on Long Island. Why would anyone on Long Island care about what Maryland teams do in the spring league. What is done is done, neither side is going to change each other's mind, so for the love of god can we drop the meaningless debate about who is right and who is wrong. This is not hockey, this is not soccer, this is not AAU basketball, why can't this site and all of these sites be used to talk about all of the good things that this great game offers. There are different regional rules and everyone is adhering to them, so move on. Why can't this site be used to talk about a great play or players or teams you saw over the previous weekend, instead of so much rage? Why can't we just celebrate the game?

I don't think people care about what you do in NPYLL spring games, but it's unsportsman-like to have older kids play against younger kids in tournaments that your teams host. I guess LI teams could stay home, but lacrosse is a great game/community and it's great to play against out of state competition. But traveling long hours, paying big bucks, and being away all weekend during the summer loses it's luster when the MD teams roll out kids that are materially bigger purely do to the fact that they are older. Lacrosse is not governed by any one group, so there are loopholes. I think the more publicity that this issue gets the better. There are white trash families everywhere lacrosse is played - Long Island, MD, New Jersey, Upstate NY, etc., that's not going to change. And it's a competitive, physical sport so parents are going to get crazy at times. That being said, one issue everyone should agree on is that until kids hit puberty (set 9th grade as the demarcation point), they should play with kids their own age. And that can be easily fixed by US Lacrosse.

Thank you for totally missing the point of my original post, I find it funny you go into a forum labeled NPYLL SPRING League and say who cares about what happens in a NPYLL Spring League, there aren't any teams from L.I. in NPYLL as of yet, so why do summer tournament debates enter into this particular forum. just tired of the same old drivel. If you are that concerned, write a letter, start a petition, make a change. I don't think anyone from USL is trolling forums looking for answers.

It's a BOTC thread. I think the LI's poster makes totally valid points. If NYPLL - the premiere youth lacrosse league - moves away from age groups and to grades (like HoCo), it is essentially capitulating to holdbacks. Private schools are going to have holdbacks for 8t and 9th grade no matter what any of us think. But, as parents, we all have an interest in our kids playing kids of similar ages and sizes, in order to minimize concussion risk, if nothing else. And, as the poster says, it's ages 13-14-15 when some kids hit puberty much earlier than others, which worsens this issue.

So, hopefully folks are lobbying U.S. Lacrosse, which is aware of the issue and very concerned about the concussion risk. But, this is an internet forum and nothing wrong with posing that it would be regrettable for NPYLL to abandon age rules (to just get Crabs back in some age groups???). Be nice to see NPYLL go to U10, U11, U12, U13 and U14 and show some positive (at least from my point of view) leadership in this area.

and thank you for totally missing the point as well

Your original post introduces lots of concepts there chief. Seems like most of the NPYLL rules carry over to your tournaments and the way the clubs form teams so while my post addressed a broader issue, the root cause of the problem may be how your NPYLL is structured. But you're right, this string is about NPYLL, so i'll go over to the "Baltimore games the system by having older kids play against younger kids" string.