Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Which HSs give the most financial aid for lax?

Thats a loaded question.
Heard Spalding and St Mary's are drying up lately, but can't confirm.
LB historically doesn't give a lot. The blast on them is that they actually prefer if you pay THEM to play.
McD and BL gives for the right player and positional need. But are recruiting nationwide so chances of getting attention are slim.
StP and JC have been opening up the checkbook lately. But not sure if anyone wants to play for them.
Gilman and Severn simply don't give much for athletics these days.
CH will spend, but all based on the position and roster need.

Overall accurate, with the added note that if the school doesn't think you'll make varsity in one of their priority sports in 9th grade, you get no athletic aid.