Originally Posted by Anonymous
Quadruple A?


You can bet that this is because several club directors did not want their A level clubs to be reclassed as "B level" even though that's the way HoCo has always done it in the past.

1) The "4A" teams who wanted to get out of AAA but knew they'd be demolished in Elite (looking at you, Team 91 and Forest Hill)
2) The various AA teams who now will - factually - tell new parents and players they're a "AAA team."
3) The worst A teams who really should be B teams

1) Kelly Post's squad in Trans Dimensional Elite (or, AAAAA lol)
2) Team 91 in AAAA. New bracket won't help them win any games against the same teams that beat them last year.
3) A bunch of solid AA teams who suddenly appear to be downgraded by staying at AA, since AA basically means A now.