Originally Posted by Anonymous
Express north had about 60% of their roster and a bunch of guests. Btw- their 2 11 year old 7th graders didn’t play and didn’t play at NAL when they beat Madlax 13-3 (even with Madlax’s 13 year old on the field). Let’s stop pretending an 11 year old 7th grader has some advantage over a 13 year old 6th grader. I know, I know, it’s the rule for some of these tournaments but spare the outrage.
I don’t care if your kid is 9 years old in 7th grade. You simply have no leg to stand on with regards to eligibility. The rules are the rules, agree with them or not. Lacrosse is a grade based sport in these events, not age. I don’t have a horse in the holdback discussion my kid is prob the youngest player on his team, not even close to turning 12 year on his 2028 team.

Nice excuse though— only had 60% of the team. Thought you were bringing in some ringers, and it didn’t quite work out, eh? Not much sympathy for Madlax at DE when they were missing 4 keys starters and had to bring up B team players, so if you want sympathy here, you’re it getting it. And FWIW, the last two times Madlax and Express North played at full strength (NAL and NLF this summer), Madlax pasted them 9-2 and 7-3. Try again.