Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you do not think Curcio team played this game w different personnel than the MD game you are the moron. If you think your team would have beat MD you are wrong again. Congrats your team beat another YJ team and your parents acted like a bunch of a-holes , guaranteed had blue won parents would not have jumped on their cell phones yelling we beat them , high fiving each other. I get it you beat a better team in a 24 minute game ,a team with most of its better players on the sideline, congrats , calm down. The funny thing is all I hear is the parents of the better kids on your team begging to be moved to Curcio, so I guess they think she is a good coach. Calm down and act like you have won a game before.

Yeah I know. You guys came over after beating M & D talking about how the Championship didn't really matter because you beat M&D. Then proceeded to stand along, rather on top, of the sideline so you can instruct your precious on her every move with a lacrosse stick in hand as if Curcio may call your number. And now the excuses come. The girls weren't up to it cause the competition supposedly wasn't good, Curcio didn't play her best players enough, blah blah, blah. Not happy with Jones parents, fine. If you think that the Championship didn't mean anything, you're the bigger Moron. As for playing personnel, Jones played everyone equally every game, including Championship. Win as a team, lose as a team. As for your team. Good Luck to them. They are a fine group of girls. May win every game the rest of the year. Just didn't that day. It's a shame you just can't give credit where credit is due.