In a single Birth year lets say 2000 you will have boys spanning three grades. For the next academic year there will be boys in 7th, 8th and 9th grades.

In a single Grade you will have boys spanning three birth years. For the next academic year, 8th graders will be born in 1999, 2000 and 2001.

US Lacrosse wants everyone to play age based, but this simply does not work. Should a U-13 eligble 8th grader really play U-13? Similar arguments can be made against grade based teams and events.

When playing for fun or as a hobby it really doesn't matter how teams are formed. There will be disagreeements forever, or at least until US Lacrosse establishes better credibility.

If a boy is serious about playing at the next level and/or being recruited, then grade based is better. This is how it is done in High School and this is how college recruiters want it to be. Recruiters are absolutely watching 2017 games this season and come next spring will be watching 2018. They care about what year you are coming to their school and not how old you are.

Why are the forum Topics grade based isnted of US Lacrosse Age based? Answer: because that is what matters!