Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Congratulations to the boys who made it to the LI Showcase Final 50. The competition was much better this year, and the event was also run much better. The coaches were evaluating both fields so everyone got a look.

I guess your son was selected

My son was selected this year, but I agree, it was run much better. Last year my son was on a field with only 1 coach, and all the other coaches only watched the one team. It seemed that last year if your coach wasn't there, you weren't getting looked at. This year the coaches were watching both fields. Some kids did get shafted that would normally make it because they were on teams that either had the one ball hog who took all the shots, or they just weren't able to show off their skills. These things are definitely political, as most tryouts are. Congratulations to those who worked hard to make it and were rewarded.