Originally Posted by Anonymous
spoken like a true travel team director...ok, you win...I am the creepy troll...feel better?...I wish only good things for your 8 yr old son....I hope when he realizes that has father , who never touched a lax stick in his life, and who is the guy standing on sidelines yelling at the top of his lungs during the game, is a dbag, the creeps will have the last laugh...keep writing those travel checks for little Anthony as the coach tells him that he really has what it takes to play college ....tool

His name is Tony. Tony the Tiger. Grrrr.

As a travel team director I would have picked up a "lax stick" at some point in my life, no? And as a director writing big checks would be unnecessary since my kid could play for free. But of course, I could write big checks if I wanted to since being a big time lax director is bank yo.

You sir, come to a battle of wits armed with a toothpick. Lets see you break out the big guns now. Go ahead, we can keep this going for pages. Lets make this thread useless together, holding hands the whole way. Then you can go bother the 2nd and 4th grade thread. I'm sure they could also use your special kind of intellect and wisdom, since you're so insightful and all.