Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Looks like the bulk of the Top 50 went to the usual suspects (traditional top 20 programs)

6 - Maryland
4 - Virginia
4 - Duke
3 - Boston College
3 - Princeton
3 - Stanford
3 - North Carolina
2 - Florida
2 - Northwestern
2 - USC
2 - Loyola
2 - Notre Dame
2 - JMU
1 - Syracuse
1 - Penn State
1 - Penn
1 - Hopkins
1 - Navy
1 - Georgetown
1 - Ohio State
1 - Michigan
1 - Va Tech
1 - Harvard
1 - Yale
1 - Cornell

Forget lacrosse, that is an impressive list of schools.

All great schools. I know some don’t put much stock in these lists but the programs that get the majority of these players year after year tend to out perform the programs that bring in few or none.

Looks like about 43 of the top 50 freshman are at top 20 caliber programs (including Hopkins and Navy in that group) .

Georgetown has brought in their fair share of high caliber players over the years but they have really fallen off from where they once were from a competitive standpoint.

Michigan has been tough the past few years and should continue to be in the Top 20 mix going forward.

Ohio State and Va Tech should probably follow the Notre Dame / Duke model with their out of conference schedule so they can make sure they have enough wins to get into the tournament.

Harvard, Yale and Cornell…. My money is on Harvard to make the jump to the next level and be in the discussion for Top 20. New Coach has only 2 full seasons under her belt, I believe she will do a good job and Harvard will become more competitive as a result.

Obviously in this day and age The Transfer Portal and additional eligibility plays a role in which teams will be most competitive (just look at BC don’t think they would have won The National Championship without transfers).

Maryland picked up a couple of big time transfers…
Expect to see them back in the Final Four this year.