Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Saying anyone who has a chance to go to an Ivy and does not is a fool is arrogant and ignorant. It's the exact reason why some choose not to go so they don't have to be around the spoiled little brats of these types of self-important losers. There are many excellent schools and depending on the area of interest there are many schools that exceed the Ivy league schools for that area of interest. There are many legitimate reasons for kids to select the schools they do.Possibly a young girl wants to chase their dreams and attend a school who has a legit chance at winning a national championship while studying to get a degree and attend an Ivy graduate program, is she a fool. Its the reason many dislike the Ivies as
many are insufferably boring.


Wow! Angry, bitter and uniformed all in one post.

Your comment: "Possibly a young girl wants to chase their dreams and attend a school who has a legit chance at winning a national championship". Tells us all who the "Arrogant" one is.

Your comment: "spoiled little brats" tells us all who the lost is.

Your comment: "self important losers" tells us all just who is "insufferably boring".

You comment: about "attending an Ivy graduate program" tells us all that you are either a hypocrite or you are full of S#!%.

Some day when you are not telling your daughter to Go To Goal maybe you can tell us all what type of track record your daughters program has at placing players in Ivy League Graduate Programs as that would be useful information to the readers on this site.

Ironically because of my Ivy League education I knew you would not see the irony in my post.
That said when you call young women fools because they did not elect to take the path your little brat took it tells us all we need to know about you .

Ha good one. More like your no name 2 year community college education. Although the Biden/Harris sticker on your Prius looks nice as itโ€™s helps you pose as an ivy snob. Now be quiet and put your mask on.

Now that's funny. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ