Originally Posted by Anonymous
Vaccine will receive FDA approval today, so you can stop with that excuse. Get your vaccine and stop complaining. You sound foolish with all your conspiracy theories. The vaccine protects against serious illness and is required to participate in many privileges. Like attending college. If your so scared, then stay home. Just don’t put others at risk. Sick of listening to your selfishness

The "FDA" .... is that the same government agency that allows for the manufacturing, distribution and sale of cigarets/tobacco?

Who is making excuses? Who is complaining? Who said anything about a conspiracy?

You are the one who sounds scared so maybe you should stay home.

Please explain how people are being selfish?

The vaccine does not protect against contracting Covid, nor does the vaccine stop infected individuals from spreading covid.

Your statement "Sick of listening to your selfishness" tells us that you are intolerant of opinions that differ from your own.