Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Marked safe from being suckered into paying $20k+ a year for high lacrosse!

I imagine some people are paying for the education. Not everyone is zoned for a great public.

Some definitely do it for the education but there are plenty that do it just so their daughter can get a college scholarship. If you have that kind of money just to get a partial scholarship to college you are in a good position. Really talented kids will be seen through Club Lacrosse and not High School but certain HS teams will have more talented girls top to bottom.

Playing jn the IAAM on a good team is definitely a help for girls that want to play early in college.

Go to an IAAM school for the education but is it really worth all of the expense to get a partial scholarship to college? Let’s also remember the top recruit in the nation for 25’s is at a public school- Man Valley. So it’s not a requirement to spend all the money to be able to play early in college. Nothing against either as my oldest went private while my younger decided to stay public and both having the same success. Do what is best for your child and family but don’t give into the FOMO with a sport.

There are girls on every good public school team that could play at IAMM schools. And not everyone is zoned for a good public school. But some people are paying a lot of money to
private schools that aren't known for high academics. The flip side of the coin is there are a lot of girls not getting much playing time at all or not getting any until Jr or Sr year who would be getting significant time at their public schools. I guess it's what you want out of your high school time