Originally Posted by Anonymous
So its not only kids with friends leaving together to play together it's also parents who have become close leaving together. Club lacrosse is some what of a social experiment.
As a parent of a son who left Madlax, I can say that the only difficult part of leaving was that I really like 90% of the parents on the team, and my son really liked the boys on the team.
Having left— I still like those parents, and my son is still friends with the 6-7 boys who stayed behind. But the toxicity of that situation and that coach was unbearable and the sense of relief being elsewhere is fantastic. The new team is OK, not a bunch of world beaters, but the kids are having fun and the parents aren’t pacing the sidelines pulling their hair out. Glad we did it. Would absolutely do it again. Wish the best for those kids still over there.