Originally Posted by Anonymous
Now that fall is over what does everyone think the tiers should be out of the top 10-15 teams?

I will take a shot. Not sure we got enough of a comparative look at all the Long Island teams, but here is my assessment, top 16, with a bias to teams that played multiple Fall tournaments:

Tier 1 - Coppermine (still #1), Eagle Stix (#1a), Hero's Green--in that order. These three teams stand out well above the next Tier. Hero's performance at Mid-Atlantic earns a spot in Tier 1.

Tier 2 - M&D (coming together), MDU (still good), Crush (will be there in the Spring), Yellow Jackets Maget (didn't play much, but YJ LI flagship team always gets better as they move into late MS/HS)

Tier 3 - Aces (had a tough Fall to drop a tier), Pride (competed well against top 10 to move up a tier), Sky Walkers (not firing on all cylinders yet); Jesters (win over Crush puts them here), LI Legacy, STEPS Elite NJ (limited results, but played pretty well)

Tier 4 - NXT, BBL, LI Liberty

Others considered. Urban Elite didn't make it out East this Fall. HHH had limited results and lost to lower ranked teams. Monster Elite didn't play anybody other than HHH.