Originally Posted by Anonymous
The True illinois kids have been told since 1st grade that if they went out east they could not hang. You all should be ashamed of yourself. These KIDS just want to play high level lacrosse against the best KIDS out there and unfortunately they don't have that in the midwest. Grow the sport and remember the kids just want to play. Grow up and let them have fun.
True lake Michigan. wink

Totally agree. Good game, good for the kids on both teams, good for the sport, which grows beyond the northeast and a few pockets elsewhere or dies. Was at the UVA MD game a few weeks back, and the announcer regularly reminded the crowd to get out immediately after the game to make room for the revenue-generating basketball game right after. They never make announcements like that to football or basketball crowds, for whom 3000 is a very bad day but for lax is a record. Top lax game, record crowd, and all the university thought was “ok great now get out bc the money makers need the space.” So, again, grow the game or die.