Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Crabs parent here, they have ZERO holdbacks this season, but say whatever makes you sleep better at night :-)

Can you clarify this? A holdback is any kid that should be in the grade that their birthdate dictates. Just because they were held back in kindergarten vs. 7th grade doesn't make them on age. Anyone born before 9/1/2009 is a holdback. Crabs may not have kids that are repeating 7th THIS year but I am imagining they're older than you're claiming. Holdbacks are legal and the norm now, so no shame in it, but just be honest Crabs parent.

you’d be hard pressed to find 5 teams at AAA or higher where every kid is born after 9/1/2009.

Yes, this is a fact. And once you allow one onto a team, for any reason (academic, social, psychological, athletics), then that is the standard and here we are.

Also a fact: no one in the youth lax power structure is devoted to changing it. In terms of "actually spending energy or resources to change this."

Go back and read the comments on the US Club Lax IG post on this topic, from August I think. What you'll see is a very hypocritical public face of many, many club coaches claiming to be "all for age based lax" but these are currently the coaches whose rosters are up to about 1/3 holdbacks. When your kid plays at a very high level and then loses his spot to a double holdback from literally across the country, and a single holdback from a neighboring state, you have to come to terms with it. Which was our family in August this year. Oh well?

So............tilt at this windmill at your own risk. Things are not going to change until the era when we become grandparents. Or never at all.