Originally Posted by Anonymous
Facility at the hub is ok, not outstanding. Parking is an issue, many thefts from cars outside. Fields play 9v9 but are still narrow, better suited for 7v7. Teams are ok not superb. Look at MS division results. How about just using indoor time to work on skills and scrimmage each other??
The Hub facility is an outstanding indoor destination particularly when compared with other options. We would be interested in your definition of "many thefts" since there do not seem to be police reports from Syosset supporting your view.

This discussion thread is talking about the 2020 bracket, not the Middle School competition. Can we stay on topic regarding the age group being discussed?

As for using the Hub for indoor skills training, that is completely possible - call them for indoor rental times. That is not a substitute for the games, but would a great option for your team to pursue group training.