Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
every club is different but practice time has been minimal

You can't call what TG does practice. The girls have a catch for 20 minutes and then it's run their isolation play. Defense is never practiced. Draws are never practiced. Clears and transition are never practiced. Teaching the girls to pass to the open girl is never practiced. College girls spend half their time on their phones. Another mass exodus is coming from what's left of 2021 and 2020 after SS shredded them without their parents present

not even close, perhaps you need to pay attention and not be so bent that your kid got in trouble for not playing well.

Would it be acceptable if your daughter failed a test and the teacher told her she was a disgrace to the entire school? Absolutely not. So why is it OK for the program director, who has put ZERO effort into helping the 2020 purple team, to blast them over fundamentals that she has never taught in her program? She can not speak to 13 year old girls as if they were her college team. Instead of shredding them, how about teaching them what they should be doing correctly. She would be lucky to name 5 girls on that team. That team is a reflection of your travel brand. Keep hiring college girls just looking for something to do over the summer and not real coaches to help your program along. The gap between YJ and TG is widening every day