If the recruiting rules push out until kids are juniors it will no doubt change club lacrosse. The clubs will need to focus on developing their players to be the best high school upperclassmen. I'm sure there will still be a radar and some early screening of kids, but the sizzle in the whole showcase the middle school and early high school scene will look like a much worse investment to parents. I think clubs will shift toward instruction and marketing that they play in competitive tournaments and show well in them. I think the big winners will be expensive prep schools. After 8th grade I would argue as a DMV parent it will suddenly become all about parents and kids feeling forced to be on one of the strong prep league teams. My son plays at the most acclaimed IAC program, and that benefits him because the coaches are connected and are very aggressive advocates. To be honest, some pretty weak players on his prep team and on the rival teams are committed to D1 programs as freshmen and sophs who have never played varsity and aren't very strong athletes or players yet. A lot of them look like they'd lose a wrestling match with my 12 year old. I don't think the situation improves, it just shifts from the club people being pushy and connected club team advocates to the pushy and connected prep advocates. IMHO lacrosse is strange sport. Being on the "D1 radar" rarely means you have done something rare on the field to earn it. Maybe my cynicism is misplaced, but I just think the lacrosse market wants the chaos and money grab solutions.