Originally Posted by Anonymous
Half of the White team left,very watered down, and they use players from the Blue team at tournaments to fill the roster. Team Elevate is all about the money. They will be down to one team at 2018 level next year.

If I were on 2018 Red, I wouldn't be upset about the uniforms or the yellow cards, I would be upset that YOUR director went up to college coaches watching YOUR first game this weekend and told them to turn around and watch the white team play as there are 4 blue girls playing (including his daughter) with that team. He gave them the numbers of each of the girls and the coaches turned away from your game and watched the blue girls play with the white team and NEVER looked back at your game. That would upset me more than the yellow cards and the jerseys. I watched that red team play, I didn't turn around like the college coaches did and thought that red team had some very good players and played well as a team. Goalie was very good. I also think your coaches saw your director do that as well but doubt they would say anything to him. Sad when you pay all that money and come all that way only to be undermined by the person you are paying as he is only looking out for the best interest of HIS teams and not the entire club.