Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I think YJ suck!! Coaches are the worst. Thought I was getting into a great club. WRONG!!! They favor 3 girls, do not develop the rest. Disgusting waste of money. So, we will not be coming back! They lost so many games putting the same girls in who could not get the job done. Guess I didn't give an envelope with the right amount of money to someone in the beginning. And whats up with traveling hours to only play YJs?????

We love the game unfortunatly the game has become way too selfish and you are right most teams have only a couple of girls that everything must go through. Then when those girls can't get to cage they pull out reset and go again and agian and again. Honestly we have told our daughter to not be so unselfish but that just who she is. So she wins a ball amd makes a nice pass and then knows her job is done and the ball is never going to be returned to her. And now I'm ready for the elitest response from the people I share a sideline with that my daughter can't keep up and there is no holding their kid back blah blah blah both and both statements would be absolute BS!

Exactly what's going on for our the team as well. I just don't get it. The girls they favor are no better than anyone else on the team, yet certain ones get to drop balls, force turnovers, lose draws, and St still stay in. What am I missing? So fed up!

At 12 years old shouldn't everyone be given a shot playing multiple positions until it really matters in HS? And for those who poo poo F&F, there definitly seems to be a chosen few who get prime positions and big minutes whether they are doing well or not. Like they came out of the womb as a certain position player and they can't lose it or share it with anyone else regardless of their play. Why if your not connected do you always have to play Defense?