Originally Posted by Anonymous
You don’t know what you are talking about. Futures has 4 kids that play on Nationals. Yes, others did play on Nationals, but no longer do. With the exception of the World Series roster (since they use different birthdates, 100 Mile rule), these are all local kids that weren’t happy on their old clubs and wanted to play together.

Bologney. They're not all local Philly kids on Futures, fact. And they abuse the the lack of age requirements as much, if not more than Nationals. And they had 8 kids ineligible for World Series due to age and location. And they looked quite pedestrian when required to play by, what most people would consider, normal rules. They're a good squad, just like Nationals, but let's not pretend that neither team isn't taking advantage of a broken system, just like Red Hots and most of the Maryland teams.