Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I never understood the issue with playing holdbacks/older kids. Let your kids play them, it will only make them better and get ready for high school. Who cares about a championship t-shirt or headband. Travel lacrosse is to train and get better and play tougher competition, not win championships that Mommy and Daddy can post on social media.

Not sure who yiu’re aiming this at. All the top teams here on LI at this grade (Igloo/Moose/91/Express) play top 10 teams multiple times throughout fall/spring/summer. And they even play teams known for holdbacks: 2Way, 3D New England, Laxachusetts, Eclipse, West Coast Starz, Nationals LC, Leading Edge, Mad Dog Elite, Next Level. And the list goes on. Actually alot of credit should be given as all of the LI teams at this grade have been on age from the get go and competed with all these others.

Not sure how the new rules apply. If it doesn’t become truly “on age”, you’re all going to be in for a rude awakening. The disparity will become blatantly obvious for the next two years. Sorry for the dose of reality to the igloo and moose cheerleaders on here. Kiss the championship T-shirts goodbye for now.
The silver lining is it will make your kids become better players for sure and benefit them in the long run.

Thanks for that amazing insight genius. You’re the epitome of what’s wrong with youth sports today.

I’m the epitome of what’s wrong with youth sports? Why is that? Because I came on here and responded to someone who was giving credit to the Long Island teams who competed with known holdback organizations in the past? Because I gave them a reality check that if the rules that have been in place for years are to continue, there will not be any competing with those teams for the next two years? Because I insinuated that igloo and moose, who are frequently mentioned on this forum, will not be winning much in the way of tournaments for the next two years?

Again, let me be clear because I apparently have to spell it out to you. I do not know how the new rules will apply to 2029 grads and how it will be enforced. I stated that. But here is what I do know. The win loss ratio of Long Island teams will take a hit if the rules are not enforced and if the holdback and reclass trend is allowed to continue. Let it be known that I believe that playing against better competition makes an athlete better and benefits them in the long run. I actually clearly stated that as well. Lacrosse should be age based. The only way a kid should be allowed to play down is if he is age appropriate. The only way a reclass or holdback should be able to play against his “new” grade is if he is age appropriate. However, as long as it’s not age based, 7th and 8th grade lacrosse will be dominated by holdback/reclass clubs. That is a fact. Ask any parent who has older kids who went through it. The disparity is most evident in those grades. Always has been and always will be if the rules do not change.
So once again I’m asking for a bit of clarification. How am I what’s wrong with youth sports?