Just discovered this site/blog. Parent observation. Annapolis based. Kid is good, but not great.

1. Every lax game we've attended in 4 years (from lowest level to Elite) has the contingent of loud parents yelling at (i) the refs and (ii) their kids. Every game. Every level.

2. These parents don't realize how embarrassing it is. For some, it seems involuntary.

3. These parents don't realize that it harms the kid emotionally, either eventually or immediately.

4. Never seen a sport with the refs abused more than lax. Never seen a sport where the refs actually respond to the yelling in the stands.

5. If a kid is successful in high school and/or college, it is because he or she is talented (mostly born with it) and has worked hard and is coached well. It is not because of all of the parent stuff (and almost certainly in spite of it).

6. Most of these coaches are volunteering their (and their family's) time coaching these kids. Thank them regularly - or at least at the end of the season.

Finally, there is a contingent of parents in the stands that very much enjoy watching and listening to the vocal parents inserting themselves into the yourth sporting event. It is a little pathetic, but entertaining nonetheless.