Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]Sounds like double rostering to me.

You can double roster or join two or three club teams if you have the financial means to do so. However if both teams are entered in the same tournament, you can only play for one.
Top girls from an area that is not big on lax will join teams like YJ, M&D, Steps, etc. For instance most recently there were sisters from MN they played for YJ and the older one still played for MN lacrosse [Censored].

This is inaccurate. This year, season-long double rostering is not allowed. It is explicitly a violation for the Golden 16 ranking and implicitly a violation for the overall rankings on USCL website. You cannot play on two teams if you wish to qualify for USCL rankings. For individual tournaments, you are in violation of their event rules if you double roster at the event. I would post links to this, but not sure if it's allowed on this site. You can find it by googling "golden 16 lacrosse" and clicking on the instagram post from uscl where they outline this. You can find similar language under the "more/national champion" tab on USCL site. There is a new system for submitting verified rosters- partnerships/alliances/double rostering disqualifies your team from the Golden 16. If you have no desire to be in the Golden 16, I guess you just operate in the gray area of the rules (and truthfully, it's not really "rules" it's just that the site that ranks you says they won't). I don't think anyone's qualifying for the Golden 16 anyway.