Originally Posted by Anonymous
This. The system gave the LI teams way too much credit which bumped their SoS up a good amount. Never heard of tradition yet they are number 10?

The post about algorithm is accurate. The system didn’t have enough information to figure out what to do with the LI teams who only played themselves.

Look at NXT. Lost to M&D and Eagle Stix once and beat them once. Lost to Heros. Yet they are 4 and M&D and ES are 9 and 8? Coppermine who only lost to heros and M&D is 7??

Once Monsters, LITG and YJ travel south. Things will change. Team 91 is the only one who deserves to be up there above Coppermine, ES and M&D.

Biggest reason why fall rankings are kind of pointless.

Tradition is a town team and it is impressive that they can compete with the top teams. They benefited the most playing higher ranked teams.

Fall ranking are ridiculous because the sample size (# of games) is too low. One LI team only played 6 games while the others had 9. MD teams will move up since they play each other in the NGLL while LI teams do not play until the summer tournaments.