Originally Posted by Anonymous
It seems that you have more knowledge about the club than anyone despite not knowing anything about lacrosse. I’m sure that despite your future decathlete’s athletic abilities that would supersede even Bruce Jenner’s performance in Montreal in 1976, this club would probably be fine. You should start your own non-transgendered racially integrated Trump-hating club and call them “the Bumblebees” because you have such a sting! It’ll be great! Then you can teach your little soccer player how to kick goal points. Good luck!

Thanks for the helpful advice stunad. Nothing I said took more than 5-10 minutes to learn browsing the club website and social media. And is any of it wrong because that's what I'm here to find out? Not going to risk my kid's safety or mental health to a bigot or possible sexual predator posing as a woman. And speaking of Jenner, TBH Caitlin is a better looking woman than Carol (or Carl) Rose.