Originally Posted by Anonymous
The comment about your organization and coaches is a lie the 2021 was a glorified pal league team. There was no college coach. They had Don G coaching it was a waste of a year and money. You should be ashamed to call that a travel summer team the boys did not learn a thing not one offensive or defensive scheme or a single play. Get the ball to the coaches son or his friends and go to the net that was the play Also they promote no dads are head coaches thats a lie his son was on the team , he does not have any coaching experience besides pal, and there no way he played college lacrosse impossible. Taylor showed up 3 times if the kids were lucky. So you cant call him a head coach oh wait Antonio nice job good pick with him what he showed up 4 times. It looked good on paper as antonio and taylor as head coaches but be honest it was a ploy for the money. Maybe it was a mistake or because it was the first year you have to work out the kinks but at least be honest and practice what u preach. Say you messed up and that it will get better this year that's all. We are not stupid just be honest don't lie. Tell the truth it feels better. Good thing Don is Taylor's best friend i am sure he will be on the sideline again this year with his son i can tell u this at least three kids will not be there because of Don G. That team deserves a refund. Who is coaching the team this year would love to know before people waste their money for tryouts this year. Let us guess Don g again and Taylor who was split between his sons. Now he has more kids playing now what is he going to do? can't be split 4 ways. He already had to cover for a coach last year who got in trouble and was asked not to coach the rest of the year. I can imagine about the rest of the teams and their experiences. Hopefully your kids are on that 2019 green team if not run away.

Here is the REALITY if someone is unhappy, and perceives there to be problems. Speak to SOMEONE. The anonymous back stabbing, complaining, and general BS is unproductive and smacks of undermining an organization. IF you played on that team you KNOW what went on AND the dedication of the coaches. The HEAD COACH OF THE TEAM WAS ANTONIO. Would you like to say HE has no college experience? When he was not there, we did our best to have Coach Taylor fill in. He certainly has college coaching experience! Before you anonymously shoot off your mouth GET the facts straight! That said, everyone got exactly what they paid for. AGAIN IF YOU ARE UNHAPPY SPEAK TO SOMEONE INSTEAD OF NOT SAYING ANYTHING UNTIL THE SEASON IS OVER. and then complaining anonymously in this forum. How is that productive? We are about improving the experience for our players at every turn. If someone does NOT express to us an issue, there is NO way for us to address it.

PHIL POLO - Director of Operations - HDD

FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME. Havocdunedawgs@gmail.com