
I appreciate your week to week updates, but why the detest on FCA all season long?

For clarity, FCA only added 4 new field players and 1 new goalie. Injuries were the story of the season and yes are part of the game. This season of adversity has been challenging, but I assure you my son (FCA player) has learned life lessons from it. Expect the unexpected in life. They are binding together and not listening to outside noise. Long term hopefully it makes them strong for 8th grade season. Sounds like they will be without their top two midfielders for some of the summer.

Roles are definitely clearly defined, however shuffling positions from week to week with the "next man up mentality" is challenging for sure. FCA played Team 91 with a total of 3 midfielders and had 2 defenders and 2 attackmen running midfield. I think most teams in the elite division would look drastically different under similar circumstances.

Again, not an excuse in any way, but don't try to change the narrative as an FCA hater.[/quote]

My son is also on the FCA 2029 team. There are a total of 8 new players (7 field and a goalie).

Injuries are definitely part of the struggles. That said, I think another part is the fact that the maturation process for these young men is not linear. Kids who were absolute studs last year don’t look as explosive or impactful. They are still as skilled but other teams have players that grew more and are more physically dominant.

Some of these boys haven’t hit full puberty yet. Once they do, it will be fine.