Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Who or what is behind lacrossemagazine.com? They appear to be ranking players, and then these get posted on social media. I'm curious as to how they determine these. As best I can tell, the girl player rankings look to be largely based upon who plays and stands out at either UA or AS.
They dont watch anything. You have to fill out a form and market yourself to some flunky who then sits down and ranks them. It is a highlight reel ranking done in a basement. Forget the rankings, did you even know there is a lacrossemagazine.com I think my kid has more followers.

Agreed ....but NLF has become a joke.to . anything run by chandick is a complete joke . He ranks all 91 coaches players high . Even his one percent showcases are laughable. They're a 91 love fest

My son was on 91 for 10 years. Your statement is correct. But guess what? It’s the same with every other organization that runs events and has a vested interest in those events. This is club lacrosse. Said another way, this is $$$$$ lacrosse where everything is motivated by the all mighty dollar.

People like to bash 91 simply out of jealousy because they are now the biggest and the best. That brings out the small people. The haters. However, most top club teams are far more unethical than 91.

How many times was I approached by a 91 director and told to reclass in order for my son to stay “elite”? Absolutely never. Nor was anyone else on his #1 ranked (unanimous) team of 99% holdback free. That absolutely doesn’t happen on other top ranked teams.

In 10 years, my sons team had 1 person that could be considered a holdback, who was on the team as a favor and would be considered a holdback, by WSYL standards, by only 4 HOURS. That’s not even an holdback by MD standards. Other than that, never, ever had a holdback. Majority of players unchanged since 2nd grade.

Yet, over the 10 year existence of the team, they would have to be considered the best team at the grade. In the 5 years that teams were ranked, their team was ranked #1 3 times (IL, US Club Lacrosse, NLF). That is an astonishing accomplishment in and of itself, but when you consider that every team they played was at minimum a year older, it seems like an impossibility. But that’s what happened.

So you small people keep bashing the doers out there if it makes you feel better. But in the ugly under world of $$$ lacrosse, 91 is as ethical as you will find out there, and the most successful.

Dude...if your son completed 10 years that would mean he's at the end of travel and possibly a senior in high school .....why are you still on youth lacrosse forums ...get a life