Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Bro. Nobody cares about fall. All teams are missing players. Many of them are missing a ton of top players. Most of the good teams don’t even do fall tournies since they can’t have their top players there. Beating any team in the Fall means ZERO. The only true test is summer. How did your kids Express North do this past summer? Seem to recall them losing to my kids team. Don’t recall them winning any championships. And since you’re talking about Fall, obviously summer didn’t go well. Lol.

I believe the above poster was saying they had a good hall because it’s a good place to start. Better to win in the fall than lose in the fall even though the fall season doesn’t mean much. But I’m so glad and happy that your sons team beat up on that kids team. You sound so proud of yourself; you must have a bumper sticker that says that too.

But while we are at it, nobody cares about club lacrosse in high school. So guess what, your summer championship? Also no one cares but you go on with your bad self.

That opinion is obviously coming from a dad from a mediocre or bad team in which case you are right. Nobody cares about mediocre teams. However, college coaches are absolutely obsessed with “good” club teams and their players, for very obvious reasons. Take a look at the top 10 clubs. Almost every kid is committed and all to D1 programs.

Wh ywould a college coach recruit from a bad team? Would make no sense to focus on teams not winning and players that are n0ot the best. Sorry if reality is hard for some deulsional peopl.[/quote]

Of course college coaches care about the good teams. But this reference was made on response to the dad pounding his chest about his club team destroying an express team. What Im saying is the majority of the parents and especially in the context this forum dont care as much about club lacrosse by the time they get to high school. That is why there are barely any posts at the older grade levesl. No "parents" (not coaches) care about club lacrosse in high school. The secure parents that are on good teams know they are on good teams and don't post on some online forum that "my kid beat up your kid" like insecure parents would. My kid played on a good team and would win regularly but I honestly didnt feel the need to post the wins or their rankings or even belittle other kids and teams for losing. Of course college coaches care about club lacrosse but you are reading the post out of context.[/quote]

Agree for the most part. But some parents care deeply about their club team. Many families have been together for 10 years on the same team. The top teams have had an absolutely incredible amount of success during that time, where these parents witnessed their babies grow and blossom into young men, alongside their lacrosse brothers. It’s a true brotherhood, from coaches to players to parents, especially when factoring in the success component. In some cases, a club team is an extended family of close friends.[/quote]

I apologize as I mischaracterized what "caring" meant. Totally agree that the friendships and experiences are invaluable due to the amount of time together. I simply meant most parents dont 'care" about the "wins and losses" enough to brag about it on a forum. Yes the experience has been great. No one cares who beat who.