Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I think those stats prove a point... but not the point you are making. I'd say those NLF tourneys are loaded with the top clubs. A few don't make it, but by and large the big boys are there.

And the exclusivity isn't about NLF teams being scared. That is just ridiculous. They built the brand. They can do what they want to maintain that brand. Plus we all know that every single player on one of these excluded teams would jump ship in a heartbeat to play with their local NLF team.

Correct. And they are. Will see a lot of new kids on the NLF teams this weekend, never to return again..... This is why you see the person referenced above in a funny freakout.

Yes... Fair point. The B team freak out is hilarious. Keep it up pal. Clearly you don't get it.

I don't think yot get it ....the point trying to be made is " why are they keeping top teams out from other clubs and allowing their lowly B teams in ?" Let's see this weekend after first day of games ....check out and see the records of lax yellow, true blue , among other B teams . True blue is a non competitive low B team and is allowed in. So you can't have it both ways and call it a "top club tournament" and say people are jealous that theyre not allowed in it when it's a known fact that certain directors are blocking some top teams out while allowing their B teams in . Stop calling it the summers biggest tournament blah blah blah its watered down at this point .

Ultimately it doesn't matter what you (or I) think. What do the scouts think? are the scouts gonna be lining the sidelines? I'm willing to bet the scouts don't think it's watered down and will be there with their cute little chairs and clipboards taking notes on kids that aren't your son. Tryouts are right around the corner. Time to get some work in and get on one of these NLF teams baby!

Again, how man kids from Lax yellow get recruited. I bet a bunch. In new england, it pays be in their organization. when your "b" team is top 20 it doesn't really feel like a b team.

Again it's not about winning the tournament and being crowned the "National Champion". 95% of the people there couldn't care less about that accolade. They aren't there to win the whole thing. They are there to get eyes on them. What don't you understand?