Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
OK, then how does this explain the current #1? Win over #40, the rest of the wins over non ranked teams.

If US Club Lacrosse rank system actually worked, after the best national tournaments this weekend the NLF the #1 team in nation Express before the new ranks should still also be the #1 team in the nation after an overtime win against the #2 ranked Tigers.& detest to say it but 91 Long Island and Laxachusetts with close losses to #1 and #2 should be ranked top 10 if not top 5. Maybe ice hockey system does not work in lacrosse unless they add ice to lacrosse games?

3D as number one, it was fun while it lasted US Club Lacrosse,,,,,poof[/quote]

Sounds like the NLF Rankings have more analysis and much more reliable.[/quote]

You do realize it is "NLF" rankings..so obviously no bias there. Also, those "rankings" haven't moved in 3 weeks. Also, look at their top 10 or 20...see which you think makes more sense. They have Team 91 at #4...lol. Huh? BBL at #6 at 8-8? 3d NE red at #20 even though they beat #9 Laxachusetts 3 times? LI Express at #5? Oh yeah...much more analysis and more reliable...SMH