Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Warriors and Empire Green are the two teams that like to play B teams. Can't win a game in A but think they deserved to be called good team for winning B. Very embarrassing if I'm a parent watching this.Both teams will be smoked in a real tournament.

I wasn't going to respond, but this post is so utterly idiotic that I had to. Last season, the Warriors won a lot of softer tournaments. This year they won less, but played in the best and most difficult tournaments available. They have yet to beat Igloo, Badgers or Bandits, this is true; however, they have played them to a goal or two on several occasions (that means the games were exciting and competitive). And to say they're playing in B tournaments, you're a moron. That statement officially makes you an imbecile. They have faced the best teams in the country on a weekly basis. Win or lose, as a parent, that's what you want. That's what you pay for. That's how the boys improve. I would rather my son's team loses to the Badgers in overtime at the top tournament of the summer than win a t-shirt at a softer tourney any day.

Well said. Warriors are getting better and better. Badgers have made no
Improvment from last year. Where are loud mouth HB parents or MC now after they lose yet another tournament with a 1 goal lose to the Warriors and an a$$ kicking by the Bandits yet again. The gap between the Bandits and Badgers has widened and the gap between the Badgers and the Warriors is closing fast.