Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The difference in the Chaminade vs St. Anthony's game was the St. Anthony's goalie. Both teams have strong defensive personal and methodical offenses.

I disagree. Chaminade has to be the worst shooting team on LI. They consistently shoot stick-side and in one-on-ones in close they always seem to fake high-shoot high - they make it very easy for opposing goalies. The goalies in the last 3 games made a lot of saves but none were very difficult. I agree St. As offense was as bad as Chaminades - neither team was impressive...

At least SA has a middie and an attackman who can dodge and beat a good defender. I would mention their names (both are excellent players) but for the hysteria than ensues when you mention a kid by name even in a positive light. However, I am sure that the guys who follow Cham and SA know who I am referring to. Cham, on the other hand, doesn't have that type of player this year. No big shooters or dodgers like they had in past years. Very evident in the past few games, particularly at crunch time when you really need a goal. Does anyone know when the Cham junior middie committed to Duke is coming back? Perhaps he can dodge/get separation?