If your daughter played on Jones before being moved down to Graz, Im guessing this is a different age. Any which way, if this is true you are no longer anonymous. And you say your daughter still plays for Graz? Im sure she appreciates you singling her out, bitching about coach. Im sure thats really going to help her situation out. [/quote]

Trust me, I'm not the only one dissatisfied with Rose's choice of coach. She moved up to Graz, not down. She wasn't alone. She doesn't like him either. It's a very unfortunate situation. You should be able to be happy about moving up, not the opposite. He is not a good coach or role model. [/quote]

Maybe you should ask to move down if you not satisfied, why dont she like him, or is this another parent whose daughter got moved down. [/quote]

Moving down is not a realistic option. With showcases available this year, only the top two teams have real access. She'll work with her HS coach and I. We'll teach her what she needs to know and help her improve. Her YJ coach won't. It's a shame.