Originally Posted by Anonymous
Need some advice. I have a 1st grader. Don't have any experience with girls lacrosse. I have a third grade son who plays.

What should I be practicing with her? I've been bringing her to wall ball but it's been frustrating for her. We work on cradling. Can someone give me some ideas? Do girls need to work off hand as much as boys? They also seem to hold the stick much lower. Should I have her practicing this way?

Any help appreciated.

I definitely get your frustration. There is not nearly the opportunitit's for the girls at that age, yet it is so important to work on her skills. Serious travel doesn't even start till 5th grade, unlike the boys, who are already pigeonholed by that age! Getting out there and practicing with her is the best thing you can do. Also there are a lot of clinics that are good at places like sports hub in soyosset and sports arena in st. James. Good luck!