Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
With all the talk of friends and family, town interests and daddy coaches, at what point does CR need to step in?
Some of the kids start to stick out like a sore thumb on some of the teams. Has a coaches' daughter ever been move down? Does daddy coach get moved down too? Someone needs to evaluate the evaluators.

No they don't, speak with your feet if you are so offended.

I agree if you are not happy there are plenty of other options available. Just remember "The grass isn't always greener"

The only people who could possibly be happy about a scenario like this would be a coach with a daughter not quite up to speed or a friend of the coach with a daughter not quite up to speed. Everyone else, who are there because they earned it, not exactly happy as it doesn't help the team out unless the coach is so good it outweighs the baggage. When I see players on the field with a team clearly in over their heads, I feel bad for them. Parents may think they are doing them a favor exposing them to a higher level of play, but that's not the case. Some of the coaches seem to have no shame about it, it honestly embarrassing, but hey, as long as your happy, just know how everyone else feels.

I can't imagine spending this kind of money to be embarrassed and unhappy. Why are you doing it?