Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Team 4??? Good luck with that. The only thing you will be getting for sure is a bill from YJ. If she is on team 4 she is at the bottom of the top 80 in her age group just on that club not to mention all the other clubs in that age group and the 4th team I on YJ isn't very good. I wouldn't get your hope up. Also team 4 won't get very much exposure.

There are over 100 women's D1 lax programs! There is a good chance if you are on team 2,3 or 4 that you can get athletic money. especially if you are the big fish in the small pond! There are team 4 kids going to Pace getting more $ than Team 1 kids going to Notre Dame, Duke etc..

And there is the problem kids going to Pace to play lacrosse with a $50,000 price tag where they let kids in with a 950 SAT. If your daughter EVER has the chance to go to Duke or ND throw her stick away and send her!!!

You Y.J. parents are an interesting breed, not all, but definitely the very vocal minority. You bash a school like Pace because you say you can get in with a 950, and you trumpet schools like N.U. and N.D that have very high price tags. Anyone that has been though recruiting in the last 2 years knows that a "full athletic ride" is a fantasy.
With that being said all I can think is this. You bash schools that you yourself couldn't get into, But send your kids to a high school with a bunch of kids that couldn't get the 950 needed for Pace. You justify it by saying my kid can excel in any school so you don't send them to a private school.
Chances are that when little Susie goes off to North Western with the kids from Maryland ( and we all know they go to private schools and prep schools) they tend to struggle with the academics along with the rigors of lacrosse, and fall behind, or are so happy to be away from overbearing parents that the cut loose and get in trouble. The end result is the same, after soph year they are no longer on the roster, or the playing time, along with the money has been cut to near nothing, and now your paying full tuition + room and board for the privilege of bragging to you yenta friends. Well good luck

You are a moron. How do you know the person bashing pace is YJ , more likely TG.

Which girl goes to the top of the resume pile, a Northwestern grad, a ND grad, a Duke grad or a Pace grad that played lacrosse?