Originally Posted by Anonymous
On average 2 coaches doing evaluations (one coach got there late and one came and went) for over 120 kids on one field. some kids got 5 minutes in the scrimmage. Rotations done by the "Lord of the Flies" method. For the 10,000 to 12,000$ collected, couldn't more evaluators be hired? Couldn't a few recent college graduates help out on the sidelines?

Was at 2019 last night and saw at least 8 coaches evaluating roughly 100 boys. That's about a dozen per tryout attendee. The tryout seemed reasonably well organized and put the kids through their paces. Only occasional issue was the typical set of kids jumping the line on rotations, but that always happens. No scrimmage last night maybe Thursday though. Al in all, my son said that it was a fair event. Can't comment on whether teams are already predetermined, but I would submit that the 2019 version of the tryout would get a grade of somewhere between a B+ to an A.