Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Yes I go to bed wishing I lived in Manhasset. You forgot something besides the kids being really smart & the coach having the right connections the parents who live in Manhasset have 7 figure incomes & that says a lot when the Ivies dont offer athletic scholarships. I think that figures in your equation as well, just look at the Garden City kids and how many go to Ivy league schools. Us southshore kids dont stand a chance ever heard the expression white trash?
Don't consider yourself white trash just because you live on the south shore. Legacy does play a part into getting into the Ivies, as does economic ability, but what seems to get lost, especially to you Y.J. parents, is that S.A.T. scores and high school transcripts are the determining factor. As far as C.R. contacts to those schools, I'll let her record as posted on your beloved commit list speak for itself. As far as Liberty being a "lesser" club than Yellow Jackets, thaat may be true. What your club also leads the rest of the country in is jealous, angry, low lacrosse IQ parents that spout some of the most obnoxious statements, based on there Childs ability in sport that most of them have never played.

What exactly do yellow jackets have to be jealous of?