Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Help us out Einstein , who is it ? Also that is the first I have seen Levy get mentioned , sounds like he is a good coach

Exactly what you knew would happen , the fake tuff guy TG daddy coach was just full of hot air. You TG people are such a joke all you do is talk nonsense about conspiracy theories and how CR empire is crumbling yet you post nothing factual , just a bunch of windbags .YJ at a great tournament for a great cause this weekend run
by a club that is top notch from top to bottom. What are you guys doing this weekend taking a nap on a bench somewhere?

Just as we all thought. An insult ridden bag of [lacrosse] comment from a YJ parent who should know better than to throw stones. Your a mess as is your club. You want facts. CR gone from UA next year. Fact. Wait and see. Car gone from Brine next year. Fact. Wait and see. Oh no. Now maybe your kid will have to earn a spot. And you can finally wipe the brown spot off your nose. It's ugly and you need all the help you can get. Lol at you!!!!

Heard about this website at Lax for Cure this weekend. I have to say I have never seen a worse group of parents than the YJ's. Your team plays thug ball. Your parents are over the top. Your coaches are a disgrace. Glad you win some of the brackets. In the end you should be more worried about raising good girls than your win at all costs, lack if sportsmanship, crude coaches and leaders. You should be ashamed. Make up all the excuses you want, you are an embarrassment to the game.