Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Have daughter that bleeds yellow, but this may run her blood purple, and she ain't no chump change. Shame but this is elite lacrosse not favor daddy camp. Sorry see a year that may crash and burn. Other franchises are bringing in HS at min coaches, as y: always did. I hate to think the slide had begun. The director is to good to allow this. She is LI lacrosse, get the coaches you'll get the kids again.

2020 is the beginning of the end. That age group is a mess. F&f do run top team. That must be fixed this year for that age to survive. 2021- already sounds like internal displeasure growing among parents. Rose is selling so at this point doesn't really care about these ages, she will be gone before they are even in HS. 3 years before YJ no longer considered the only place to be.

Nobody gets it, the club will not be sold. It generates millions of dollars for CR. Any other business in America an accountant could easily put a fair selling price on it and bam, done deal. YJ however is only worth something because CR is at the helm. Would you buy a business appraised based on its revenue earnings over the last couple years knowing that it would most definitely see a huge drop first year and perhaps crumble away in a few short years? No. And the offers based on that huge risk must be quite low, too low to justify selling. The revenue stream is just too great compared to the worth of the business minus CR. Therefore, rest easy YJ players, it will never be sold.