travel lacrosse for the most part is a loose conglomerate of some businesses and some altruistic organizations, there are no rules, no set rosters and a variety of different goals. The tournaments do not check rosters and there is no eligibility criteria it is just a bunch of organized and expensive play dates. Kids are having fun, uniforms are nice and you get to spend some great quality time with your kids. But, if you are looking for logic and answers you are not going to find them, there is no logic to it. so play with whom you think your kid would benefit the most, play on as many teams your kid is comfortable with and hope that they enjoy the ride.

If a friend of mine has a team my kids age and is in another state, he gives me a call and says does Johnny want to fly out here for a weekend and play with Billy, we can make a great weekend of it, is his team bringing in a ringer? or is it just an opportunity for some 12 year old to have some fun with an old friend and some new friends?

I think everybody is over thinking this and worrying too much about who won this tournament and who's team is better and we all need to concentrate on what's important - The kids having fun. (except SWR)