Originally Posted by Anonymous
WOW can't wait to see some team out there beat your team even if it's by one goal. It would be so much fun reading this thread. How Arrogant! It’s funny that over the years I’ve gotten to know this team and the parent’s reaction. It would be great to see the steam.

Really? That would make you feel all giddy? Do you stay up at night thinking about it? What a loser! Think about it dude! Does a group of 14 year old girls success really get under your skin? I don't think the parents on that team care at all if they lose or not. They know the kids have worked hard and are a great team. I am also sure someone will beat them! Every team will have a bad day! It is people like you who will make a big deal of it, just to [lacrosse] people off. If you really knew the team and the parents you would not be saying that!