Originally Posted by Anonymous
YJ 15 blue, are head and shoulders above all LI teams and , m&d, heroes, united and even most 2014 teams. nobody competes with this team. plain and simple, simply the best. we will see at u15 nationals this summer. this team beats everyone badly. wait till u15 nats in florida this summer. if you played this team last year and you didn't lose by more than 10 goals ,, please respond with score and tourn and date. else shutup.
YJ blue parents, that right....

Dude, you can't be serious with this. Even if this is your opinion, it comes off as extremely obnoxious and arrogant. This is the behavior all the other clubs kill the yj's for. You are an embarrassment to yj parents and to all lacrosse parents, you should tone it way down. Unless this was posted by a player, then you are an embarrassment to yj players and to all lacrosse players. Get real.