Replayed from the College Forum : The New [lacrosse] Times has an article in Sunday's edition covering the recruiting of players before their High School careers begin. While focused on soccer, there are many references to lacrosse including the conflict between the IMLCA and the NCAA.

This is an excellent article which echoes many of the themes expressed and discussed here on the BOTC College Forum.

Committing to Play for a College, Then Starting 9th Grade

Some key quotes from the article follow.
  • “The most frustrating piece is that we haven’t been able to get any traction with the N.C.A.A.,” said Dom Starsia, the men’s lacrosse coach at Virginia. “There’s a sense that the N.C.A.A. doesn’t want to address this topic at all.”
  • At a meeting of women’s lacrosse coaches in December, nearly every group session was dedicated to complaints about how quickly the trend was moving and discussions about how it might be reversed. In 2012, the Intercollegiate Men’s Lacrosse Coaches Association proposed rule changes to the N.C.A.A. to curtail early recruiting. But the N.C.A.A. declined to take them up, pointing to a moratorium on new recruiting rules.
  • The early recruiting system has given significant power to club coaches, who serve as gatekeepers and agents for their players.