Originally Posted by Anonymous
My daughter is on a 2017 team (not black) she is a very good player but I am very confused about what type of school would best fit her personality, lax skills and academics. I want to send her to some camps to help her feel it out. Do you have any suggestions where a freshman player should be seen over the next year to get the maximum exposure? Any comments or postive suggestions are welcome. Thank you!
BOTC thinks that you are asking this question backwards. We strongly recommend that you start by identifying a set of Top Ten Academic and Top Ten Athletic colleges that would interest your daughter. Then, instead of asking "where are there coaches?" (at institutions of no interest to your child), you make the question "Where are our Top Ten coaches going to be recruiting?" The process will be more valuable for your money spent.

Please do review some of the material on the BOTC College Forum that specifically covers these points. If you have any other college recruiting questions, do not hesitate to post them.