The first step toward finding your answer, Cage, is to determine whether IMLCA coches have attended any other recruiting events held on a school day this year. Anyone know of any?

Originally Posted by CageSage
The points that some posters have made about a showcase being scheduled on a school date are completely valid. BOTC agrees.

However, what about recruiting events that start on a Friday before a long weekend where student-athletes are pulled to do the drive with family? How about students that leave class early during the NYSPHSAA Lacrosse Playoffs in the Spring season?

These points are, however, smoke covering the main issues. Here are our questions.

[1] Why has the IMLCA chosen now, November, a heavy recruiting month, to reemphasize their policy regarding no mid-week activity?

[2] If the IMLCA is passionate regarding enforcement of a more restrictive recruiting calendar than that provided by the NCAA, why did the IMLCA not take their desires directly to the NCAA Compliance committee?

[3] Let's suppose that the IMLCA came forward now simply in response to the mid-week November 26th date for a showcase event because they were thinking about keeping the players in class. If that were the motivation, why is it fine with the IMLCA to have NCAA Division III coaches attend the event but not Division I or II coaches?

BOTC thinks that this announcement's motivation is still questionable.